Find out about the new malevolent programming that obliterates the PC when it's found

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Specialists in data security found another pernicious program called "Rombertik", which is one of the most risky malware found during the ongoing time frame, where it appears to be changed in the way it works from similar software, and experts indicate that it belongs to a new and dangerous generation of malware .

According to security experts in cisco's Talos office, a new malicious program called Rombertik has been discovered and represents the new generation of malware, which is one of the most dangerous, it is different in the way it works from the rest, especially if it is discovered and monitored by security systems. own computer where it works to destroy the latter.

The new malicious program Rombertik is characterized by great intelligence, as it targets users' computers from files attached via e-mail messages, and as soon as the user receives and approves the latter this program is sands inside the user's computer, as it owns Unusual stealth ability as it is difficult to monitor since it executes unnecessary code.

Rombertik steals users' data, especially bank data, but its biggest risk is that unlike other malware it is capable of destroying the computer, as if it is monitored or feels threatened it immediately destroys the main take-off record, causing the system to be prevented from taking off. 
Play back where it keeps going in a vicious circle, in addition to destroying the hard drive to prevent the user from using their data.